November To Do List

Sunday 4 November 2018 Banbury, UK

First of all , I know it sounds very cliché to say this but, how the hell are we already in November? What happened? Did we all just wake up from a deep sleep coma? Did we went through a time travel machine? Honestly this year went so fast its unreal. Although I am not complaining as this is my favourite time of the year (Autumn & winter) so I am enjoyed it every minute of it.
How was your Halloween? This morning I removed all the Halloween decoration after a very successful 'Trick or Treat' night. I mean it was so popular this year, that I ran out of sweet one hour after my 1st knock (and yes! Then I turned off all the Halloween lights pretending no one was in).
I just have to make sure I get even more sweet next year. And now that Halloween is gone all I can see in shop windows its Christmas which, to be honest, is only around the corner. But lets talk about Christmas some other times.

I decided to do some kind of experiment and start a monthly series mostly because I only fairly recently find my blogging Mojo back (see my sudden burst of posts in the whole October) and to keep me motivated why not do a 'monthly to do list' to remind me all the good stuff that is happening each month (some month more than others) and making me more excited to blog about it? Lets try this and see how it goes!? I am not sure if doing a 'monthly to do list' will help me more but it certainly won't harm me. So here we go... my 5 main plan this month.

Bonfire Night | It is a tradition to have our bonfire night at my fiance's family orchard every year. It is also the tradition to eat baked potatoes and home made soup around the bonfire and this year it is no exception. I cannot wait to put on my thickest jumper, wellies and let the warmth of the fire roasting my cheeks around all the people I care.

Banbury Museum Redevelopment Press Event | My favourite local museum is having a refurbishment and the launch of a new art gallery. I've been invited to the 'behind the scene' event next week and a Q&A with the director. Also have been invited to the launch press event in few weeks time which I cannot wait to discover. I 'll report all back to you.

Blenheim Palace Christmas Light Press Event | I cannot describe how excited I am to see the preview of the Blenheim Palace Christmas Lights. When the invitation landed in my inbox I couldn't believe it and I must have done a little scream that may have sound like this : Heeeee ...!!! This is an upcoming post that I cannot wait to share with you all so keep your eyes open. And I might even do a little YouTube video about it (my first ever) so even more exciting!

Christmas | I know what you are thinking! How the heck I am already thinking of Christmas when it only just November? Well, the truth its that this year Christmas is extra special for me as it will be our first Christmas in our own new house. After many many years renting small accommodations in London, I cannot describe how excited we are to be able to decorate our own house without having to struggle to find a room for a small tree and procrastinating at the the landlord on not being aloud to put any decoration or else on walls! Very early this year we bought, on sale, the biggest and most realistic fake tree and I cannot wait to take it out the loft and have this bad boy decorate. This is my first ever big tree in my first ever own house so its  the double excitement! I already been buying new tree decorations through out the year ( mostly during Christmas sale) and I cannot wait to show you my Christmas tree theme this year. A hint :Think Woodland. I will most likely blog about it.

Wedding Invitation Card | If you are a reader of my blog you are probably sick and tired to read about my upcoming wedding which is due Summer 2019. My partner and I decided to make our own Wedding Invitation Card mainly because we have a budget to keep and as I am not bad at crafting ( thanks god for Pinterest too!!). I feel very confident on being able to make my own wedding card at a fraction of a price. Lets say that we rather spend the money on the wedding foods and drinks and our 2020 honeymoon. I 'll probably blog about it so watch this space foxies !

What about you? What is on your November to do list?


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