8th of March- against women discrimination.

Thursday 8 March 2018 Banbury, UK

Happy Women's day. A day not to fucking celebrate women with given them a 30% off coupon for bras and makeup.... NO!!! No it is a day to remember that we still need to fight against women discrimination (and transgender ) all over the world. A reminder that everywhere in the world women and girls are subject to discrimination by not having access to vote, to drive, to work, to education, not aloud to also decide what's best for their body, to FGM, being force to be married, not be able to stop a non desire pregnancy, to women that everyday suffer sexual harassment at work, at school, in the street and at home. This discrimination is happening every day and everywhere from so called 'developed' countries to 3rd world countries. No women in this world never ever could tell you that she never felt discriminated in some way or another. We ALL have a story to tell. All of us women. All unite.
A day to remind all women that the fight is still happening, it is a long journey to acceptance and equality. It is not going to change overnight unfortunately and probably many future generations still will have to suffer this discrimination, but I have high hope that one day all women born on this planet will be able to do and become whatever the fuck they wants to be and be equal to men. The journey is long but lets carry on the fight for future generation to enjoy that right.

I also dedicate that post to all the women in my life:

My mum that always told me I could do and be whatever the fuck I wanted to be.

To my sister, Anne, that had 3 kids and yet has her own carpentry business (and yes she has a vagina and she is doing a 'men' job!) and her business is doing amazingly well.

To my sister Virginie, who is sadly no longer with a us, but fight breast cancer like a champ. We love you and miss you so much!

To my bad ass grandmother that never let anyone tell her what to do.

To my 1 year old daughter that, even so she is very young, I know she is already full of determination and will. I will teach her that she is equal to men in EVERY WAY and that she can become whatever she wants to be. simple because she has the right. I am fighting for her every single day (yes you guessed it I am a feminist and proud of it!!) 

to Betsy, my best female friend who has that girl power attitude. Go girl! Go get them!

and finally to ME:

I did not had an easy life to start with. Have been also discriminated for having a vagina from being bullied from a young age to my late 20's for just being 'different', to anorexia, bulimia, depression, to have been sexually harassed at work, in the street and even in my own family, to have been told by my own father that the best that could happen to me was ..and I quote:  'to get married and become a house wife' to a male teacher that his only hope for me was also to have a good marriage (what the fuck is wrong with them?!) .
Well... I proved to those male that not only I succeed at school, despite them thinking I would failed, that I left, on my own, the comfort of home to travel 1000 miles away in a country where I could barely speak the language to then land my dream job in that same country and you know paid my own bills and shit. 
I proved everybody that I could be independent and needed no one to be a success (and yes I still did not had a penis by then after checking numerous time).
Today I speak 2 languages, I am a business partner to the love of my life, I have a blog that start getting paid interest from brands, I become a mum and I am successful in my own way and proud of what I achieved so far.

And finally to all of you, female, reading this. I salute you as I Know we don't have it easy everyday, be proud of what you achieved whatever that could be. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do anything.

Teach your girls and boys that equality is a right, regardless your gender, that your little girl can wear dinosaur pyjamas or super hero outfit and dream to become a footballer and expect to be paid the same as a man. and that your little boy can wear a dress like a princess and play with dolls and teach them to respect the opposite sex from day one. Let them be free, equal and educated from the start.

Love & respect to all my bad ass girls out there. Lets carry on the fight. #metoo
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