The Past Few Weeks #6

Sunday 21 October 2018 Banbury, UK

It's been a while since I have not done a post from my 'The Past Few Weeks' series actually such a long time that the last one (which you can find here) was from August 2017! I shall re-title it 'The Past Few Months' really but never mind...we'll roll with it. Here my #6.

What's new in my life? 
Let's start by Wedding talk. It is no longer a secret, as I have been talking way too much about it already, but my Fiance and I have finally decided on a Wedding date which will be Summer 2019. So it is very exciting but stressful at the same time and I may have, or not, already had a little breakdown on choosing a caterer. Sounds a bit 'dramatic' and it is I guess but making a decision to something that is due in 10 months time and that you want to be perfect can be nerve wrecking. You can already actually read 2 posts about it: One being my Wedding Decor Inspiration On A Budget and High Street wedding Dress | My Top 8

What is happening with the blog? 
You probably also notice that I don't post as much beauty reviews or beauty hauls as I use to in the past. The truth its that I no longer spend as much money that I used to on beauty products here one of the reason. I will most likely do a post about why I suddenly stop buying so much but lets just say for now that I rather having quality over quantity.
I have to admit that my blog have been left a little bit on the beauty side and lets just say that I lost a bit of my mojo along with it too. But do not worry! I found it back few weeks ago hence the sudden burst of posts for the past 5 weeks!! 
I have no plan to stop my blog anytime soon but its been a long time now since I decided that the best way to enjoy blogging its to do it when I feel like it. I am no longer chasing numbers and by that I mean page views or followers. I write what I want and when I want and whoever want to read it  then that is just a lovely bonus.
On the 'so not good news' I have been diagnosed a month ago with type 2 diabetes, it was a shock and I will, most likely, do a post about it as it s a life changing situation after all. More about it for another time but I though I'll mention it.
Any blog event planned? 
Yes! I have been invited lately to my second Body Shop bloggers event but I had to cancel it due to having on the same evening a friend and family Halloween party. But you can read my first ever Body Shop event, that happen 3 months ago, here.  I also been invited back in May to a whole day event at Oxford with the lovely peeps from Marco Polo Guides, You can find my post about it here. And finally the last event that I lately been invited to was, the launch of the new George Inn Hotel in Barford which you can read here (if you are a home design addict like me you are going to love that post, so don't hesitate to click!!).

What s next on the blog?
Get ready to see more lifestyle related posts, a lot of more home decoration, home hauls, home refurbishment theme etc. but also as mentioned earlier some  more wedding related posts.
Also thinking to do a new series title 'A picture an hour'. Something that have been thinking for a while.
No much big life change right now apart that my 19 months toddler started nursery not long ago ( she's growing too fast! boohoo....!)  . It is still odd to hand her over to the nursery twice a week but I know its good for her and well somehow good for me too.
We are still redecorating our home. So far we have four rooms completed (x 2 bedrooms, x1 studio room & living room) and two to go. The end is near although with a wedding to pay and organise for, the completion of our house will be more around end of 2019 - mid 2020. But good things come to those who wait. 
A honeymoon to plan is also on the horizon. Although right now the Wedding is more what we focus on but lets say we may go to Japan for 2 weeks or do a road trip to North Europe for 3 weeks.(Denmark, Norway, Sweden  etc.).

That s it for now foxies but what's new in your life? I want to know all your future projects or what you've been up to lately. Tell me all. 

PS: All above pictures are from my Instagram that you can find here


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