home made avocado & poached egg on toast

Saturday 6 June 2015 London, UK

Lately I have been craving avocado on toast or in salad. I do not know where this craving came from but I just love the taste and it's also full of the good fat, vitamin E, B5, B6, K, potassium, magnesium etc. So I can't see why I shouldn't be enjoying this amazingly versatile fruit! I'll be honest lately I am also trying to go back into a healthy diet so introducing avocado into my diet was a natural choice.
I will share with you a very quick and easy lunch with our superstar; the avocado, that is yummy, colourful and most of all healthy.

Here what you need:

1 slice of seeded wholemeal 
1 egg
1 ripe avocado
1 tomato
1 desert spoon of any seeds 
salt & paper to taste

I usually start by poaching the egg as this is what takes the longest, you can fry it but I prefer poaching it as it is a healthy way for me. Then I will, with the use of a fork, slightly mash one entire avocado flesh with a bit of paper and salt. Then I will slightly toast my bread slice. 
Then all you need is to plate everything together with a sprinkle of seeds and balsamic vinegar as a final touch on your tomato. If you wish you can perhaps have your toast with a bit of cream cheese too and perhaps have a little rocket salad on the side instead of tomato.

There you have it a healthy avocado, poach egg on toast that probably took me at the most 15 minutes. 

So what do you think ? If you try it let me know if you like it or not! I love hearing all your comment.



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