A week in Normandy - A picture tale

Thursday 8 September 2016 France

Normandy in North of France is my birth place, I only lived there until the age of 10. Normandy is for that reason very close to my heart and if my partner and I were to move to France in years to come we'll most likely choose Normandy. For the beautiful countryside, the beaches, the food, all the cottages, cows fields and the way of life in general. I just love Normandy and anything related to it. For my summer holiday we went to spend just under a week in Normandy to spend some time with my family. Spending time with my love one, visiting breathtaking landscapes and eating my weight on amazing food (especially cheeses and famous patisseries from Normandy) was amazing! Here a little picture tale of my too short trip hoping that it will inspire you to go one day.



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