My Diet Journey || Summer Edition

Wednesday 26 August 2020 Banbury, UK


My last 'My diet Journey' post was back on the 1st of April, which you can find here. I used to post this series every week or every two weeks but then the lockdown happened. 
Even so I was still dieting, the motivation on writing a 'diet journey post' weekly, or any blog post for that matter, went straight down the drain. Lockdown has a lot to do with it!  I am not going to lie, along with my anxiety which was fairly high during those uncertain time.

But I am back! 

So where did I left off last time?
On the 1st of April I was 2 stones and 8 and 1/2 lb lighter ! As per today's date I am 4 stones and 3 lb even more lighter! I am extremely proud of this result. Yet perhaps I did not lose as quickly as earlier this year (thanks lockdown !) but I did not put on any weight during the lockdown. During that time not only I caught the Corona virus which was something I had to deal with , I also had to deal with my anxiety (higher than the usual) too and being on diet.
Do not take me wrong it was not easy every day and they were tears and lots of frustration along the way but I learned during those time that it does not matter how long it take me to lose the weight as long as I lose it. Basically if you are in a similar situation always think that losing weight is a marathon not a race. Not only its better for your mental health but also very important for your body to adjust healthily. 
I might not have created a 'business' or 'change the world' during the UK lockdown but I learned a lot about me and this is a success story to my eyes.

Any diet changes?
Nope! I guess I am still following the Sliming World at 90% and I also learned to enjoy those little extras that, might not be diet friendly, but are here to keep my mind sane! Lets face it I need to still enjoy life little pleasures after all otherwise where's the fun?
The only down side, and I though it was important for me to mention it its; my eating disorder seems to have 'came back' . It is something that I am once again battling against it. Even so it is not as strong as what it used to be 10 years ago but with the help of my mental health nurse I am getting there. 
So right now I am trying to control my mild eating disorder and control an healthy diet without feeling the pressure or the hunger. I am doing ok but I could be better . I take each day as they come and if one day, out a week, I failed I am always trying to see forward and move on and not think or look at the past days. That is my daily advice from yours truly.

When is my next weight in.
My next weight in at Slimming World is on Monday the 24th of August. 
It would be the 3rd times, since lockdown, that I am physically meeting my local group (during lockdown we were 'meeting' on Zoom). And do not worry all security measures have been taken such as social distancing, mandatory face mask, along with reducing the amount of people they let in per meeting etc.  
Its nice to be back and meet my fellow dieters.
I 'll let you know in the next post how it went.
Having said that I don't think I will go back to a weekly post but I feel like a monthly round up about my diet journey would suit me better. We shall see?

Until then stay safe peeps! ... and thanks for reading.


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