Winter Wonderland Advent Calendar by Flamingo Paperie

Wednesday 8 December 2021 Banbury, UK

The Festive Season is here, which, by the way fast this year went, right? I feel like I put my Christmas tree back in its original box about 2 weeks ago! I am not complaining about it for sure.
 My Christmas tree is up since the 30th of November and this year I wanted something different for our family advent calendar something that does not involve sugar or small gifts, something that reminds us that Christmas is not about all the gifts but a time to appreciate everything we have in our life like your family, health, etc.
 This year I decided to get my hand on a simple, but beautiful, advent calendar from Flamingo Paperie which is their latest new Christmas range. 1st of all this calendar totally fits my Christmas woodland theme (see here my post about my woodland theme Christmas) and it has something just magical about it. 

The year's most awaited countdown officially started and with that, this advent calendar offered 24 beautiful detached woodland characters or forest elements that just created a beautiful wintery woodland scene.
 All 24 elements and the main calendar are made of sturdy but high-quality paper so you can make sure you can use and re-use this advent calendar year after year. 
My 4 and 1/2 years old daughter loves putting the individual characters into their individual slot and she is as excited, if it's not even more, as a supermarket simple inexpensive calendar that only offers chocolate.

Flamingo Paperie offers a wide variety of advent calendars to all tastes from a traditional Nativity Story, to vintage Christmas one but also more kids-oriented like a funny snowman or Santa Claus with all Rudolf and his friends. Whatever you like you will find something that suits the theme of your perfect Christmas. 
Let not forget Flamigo Paperie also offers a wide range of Christmas decorations, cards, and everything in between to make your perfect Christmas.

By the way that reminds me that I have my Christmas cards to send so, I'll leave you there for now. I will come back to you with a huge Christmas beauty haul in a few days' time so stay tuned.


1 comment

  1. Thanks Marie. I couldn't have described it better! It really suit your lounge theme. Glad your daughter enjoys sloting-in the characters...Everybody wins 😊


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